Timezone Lotte Mart Can Tho

Timezone Lotte Mart Can Tho

opening hours

Mon - Sun: 08:00 - 22:00


Ground Floor - Lotte Can Tho, 84 Mau Than street, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho city

contact us


+84 29 2730 0079

Best Arcade Centre in Can Tho City

A must-see location in Can Tho City if you're seeking for a gaming centre is Timezone. Wow yourself when you arrive due of the contemporary, young design. Furthermore, all games are imported straight from overseas, offering players the utmost security.

Timezone has implemented POWERCARD so that you no longer need to carry a bunch of unwieldy, untidy coins every time you play. The card has a ton of fantastic uses and is really small and user-friendly. Engage in gaming & endless fun experience with your friends & family!