Timezone Growels 101 Mall Kandivali

Timezone Growels 101 Mall Kandivali

opening hours

Venue Closed Temporarily


Unit No. T01, 3rd Floor, Growel's 101 Mall, Akurli Road, Western Express Highway, Kandivali (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 101.

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Arcade Arcade
Birthday Birthday
Valentine Edition Valentine Edition

Timezone Growels 101 Mall Kandivali


Timezone Growels 101 Mall’s combination of the latest games, an attractive prize shop and great deals adds to the magic of our beautiful store space. We’re all about friends, family and fun – that’s why we’re happy to be part of a Mall that believes in community initiatives. We’re located close to the food court (perfect to keep energy levels up) and even offer massage chairs for tired parents!

Kids Birthday Parties

Kids Birthday Parties
Celebrate your kid's birthday at the best party venue around! There's fun activities like Bowling, Laser Tag, Bumper Cars, Arcade Games, and delicious food all in one place!


We’re back – better, and most importantly, safer. Your Safety is our priority! Have a look at our promotions and gaming offers to bump up your experience at Timezone even more!