Timezone venues in India are operated by Timezone Entertainment Private Limited (‘Timezone’). By attending a Timezone venue or transacting through this website or the Timezone Fun App (including, but not limited to, purchasing a gift card or registering or topping up a Powercard through the Timezone Fun App), you agree to be bound by and comply with the following terms and conditions. Timezone may alter these terms and conditions at any time and without notice by publishing the updated terms on this website.
Birthday Party Bookings:
Fun App Transactions:
Gift Cards:
Once purchased, gift card(s) are considered sold and cannot be cancelled, exchanged, or refunded. Hence, kindly check all the details before purchasing.
Powercard balances:
Powercard balances are non-refundable and will expire 12 months from the last in-venue use date, at which time any unused balances will be forfeited.