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20GAME $20 Voucher

20GAME $20 Voucher

Save Big with a $20 Voucher

Level up your game play with a $20 Timezone voucher!

Here is all you need to do:

  • Check your Timezone Fun App account for your voucher or claim it by using code 20GAME in the Fun App.
  • Bring your $20 voucher to your nearest Timezone venue to redeem.
  • Receive $20 off when you make an in-venue purchase of $30 game credit or more.

Find out how you can score $200 game credit for only $80 below! Don’t miss out, as it is only available until 30 March! Watch our step-by-step video to learn more.

See Terms and Conditions here. Available from 17 February - 30 March 2025. Only 1 redemption per account.

How to Claim your $20 Voucher

Can't find your $20 Voucher?

Don't have a Fun App account or don't have a voucher in your account? No worries! Download the Timezone Fun App, log in or sign up with your phone and enter the code 20GAME to claim your voucher.

Already have the app? Great! Open Fun App here.

Pay $80 Get $200 when you use your $20 voucher*

Voucher Exclusive offer!

Get a massive $200 game credit for only $80 when you redeem your 20GAME $20 voucher. Simply head into your nearest Timezone and show your $20 voucher code to our Funsquad team to get $200 game credit for only $80!

Offer only redeemable with a valid Timezone 20GAME $20 voucher.

$20 Voucher

$20 Voucher

WINNER $20 Voucher is finished

WINNER $20 Voucher is finished!

This WINNER $20 voucher promotion has ended. Keep an eye on Timezone's promotions page for other exciting promotions and announcements to see what's next!