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Waktu Indonesia Berlibur

Waktu Indonesia Berlibur

It's for Indonesia to holiday at Timezone! There are exciting surprises for 30 days. Get 2x the Tizo bonus and direct prizes of free Tizo, free e-tickets, and free games for every transaction. Come on, invite your family and friends to Timezone in your city.


  • Promo period: 13 December 2024-12 January 2025 at all Timezone locations.
  • The promo only applies to visitors who buy the Tizo package with a 2x Tizo bonus at the cashier.
  • The minimum transaction amount may vary from location to location. For every transaction, visitors will only get one chance to take a gift coupon in the fish bowl.
  • Prizes include free Tizo up to 1000 Tizo, free e-tickets up to 100 e-tickets, and free games up to 7x play.